Faculty of Islamic Contemporary Studies

Upon completion of this program, student should be able to:

  • Manifestation of knowledge in the field of Islamic studies, especially Islamic administration from authoritative sources.
  • Resolve the current of administrative issues based on Islamic principles.
  • Demonstrate the administrative skills based on Islamic principles.
  • Demonstrate the social skills in interacting with the community.
  • Integrate communication skills effectively in interaction with the community.
  • Manage information using digital technology in administration.
  • Demonstrate the skills in analyzing administratively related numerical data.
  • Demonstrate the effective Islamic leadership talents.
  • Integrate personal skills in continuous self development.
  • Demonstrate the entrepreneurial management skills based on Islamic principles.
  • Integrate Islamic values, attitude and morals in administration.
  • Educational
  • Imam
  • Religious Officer
  • Lawyer of Syarie
  • Head of Islamic Religion
  • Administrative Officer
  • Halal officer
  • Wealth Advisor
  • Arabic Translator
  • Researcher
  • Penghayatan Etika Dan Peradaban
  • Fiqh Ibadat
  • English I
  • Akidah dan Akhlak
  • Kokorikulum
  • Al-Tafsir
  • Al-Aqidah al-Islamiyyah
  • Fiqh al-Ibadat
  • Al-Qiraah
  • Al-Mantiq
  • Fiqh al-Muamalat
  • Al-Qawaid al-Arabiyyah
  • Al-Muhadathah I
  • Al-Hadith
  • Madkhal Ulum al-Quran
  • Mustalah al-Hadith
  • Al-Akhlaq wa al-Tasawuf
  • Fiqh al-Munakahat
  • Fiqh al-Sirah
  • Usul al-Fiqh
  • Al-Kitabah wa al-Tabir
  • Al-Muhadathah II
  • Al-Dakwah al-Islamiyyah
  • Kursus Elektif
  • Bahasa Asing
  • English II
  • Tajwid al-Quran
  • Al-Balaghah
  • Aplikasi Teknologi Dalam Pengajian Islam
  • Pengurusan Harta Islam
  • Pengenalan Pentadbiran Awam
  • Asas-asas Perakaunan
  • Kerajaan Tempatan
  • Pengantar Ekonomi
  • Nizam Al-Hukm
  • Kursus Elektif
  • Asas Penulisan Ilmiah
  • Undang-undang Pentadbiran
  • Undang-undang Pentadbiran Hukum Islam di Malaysia
  • Al-Faraid
  • Al-Iqtisad Al-Islami
  • Pengurusan Sumber Manusia
  • Kursus Elektif


All below requirements must be fulfilled:

  • Only Malaysian who owned My Kad/ Identification card eligible to apply
  • A pass in the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM)/ equivalent with honours in Bahasa Melayu and pass in Sejarah at SPM 2020.
  • Obtained a minimum of Grade C+ ONE (1) in the following subjects at SPM Level:
    • Arabic Language
    • Al-Lughah Al-Arabiah Al-Mu’asirah
    • Turath Bahasa Arab
  • Obtained a minimum of Grade C+ TWO (2) in the following subjects at SPM Level:
    • Tasawwur Islam
    • Pendidikan Syariah Islamiah
    • Pendidikan Al-Quran dan Al-Sunnah
    • Hifz Al-Quran
    • Maharat Al-Quran
    • Usul Al-Din
    • Al-Syariah
    • Manahij Al-Ulum Al-Islamiah
    • Al-Adab Wa al-Balaghah
    • Turath Al-Quran dan Al-Sunnah
    • Turath Dirasat Islamiah
  • Obtained a minimum of Grade C+ ONE (1) in the others subjects EXCLUDED Bahasa Melayu at SPM Level
  • Obtained a minimum Grade D in English

Faculty of Islamic Contemporary Studies
Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA)
Gong Badak Campus
21300 Kuala Nerus, Terengganu

T: 09-668 8092/7879
E: fki@unisza.edu.my

The Diploma in Islamic Administration program is a program inherited by UniSZA from the Sultan Zainal Abidin Religious College (KUSZA). This program has been approved to be offered by UniSZA – formerly Universiti Darul Iman Malaysia (UDM) – from the 2006/2007 academic session. At that time, the period of study offered was SIX (6) semesters for THREE (3) years of study. This Diploma in Islamic Administration program was fully accredited by MQA on 23 October 2017 (MQA/FA9652).


Duration of study: 2 ½ years