Vision, Mission, Motto, Core Values & Niche ​

Our Vision

Contemporary Integrated Islamic University (CIIU)

Our Mission

To produce holistic individuals with Naseem values through educational excellence and high impact research towards empowering society


Core Values

  • Knowledge
    An action oriented maverick who conducts research led teaching armed with contemporary knowledge to solve current and relevant issues which lead to commercialization.

  • Faith & Akhlak
    A visionary and value oriented person of high moral standing.

  • Deeds
    An accountable and transparent individual who cares and contributes to society.

  • Leadership
    A dynamic pragmatic leader who is bold enough to make a difference and manages from the heart.

  • Collaboration
    A team player with excellent communication and global networking skills.

  • Entrepreneurship
    A persistent and successful entrepreneur.

  • Transformation
    An individual who embraces culture and is armed with a transformational mindset leading to autonomy and financial independence.

  • Innovation
    An individual who embraces creative thinking, leveraging on digital and disruptive technology.


Human Civilizational, medicinal, accuracy, science technology, management and techno-entreprenurship