
Library General Rules

  • The library and its provided facilities are meant only staff and students of UniSZA or visitors who have obtained special permission.

  • Library patrons are required, at all times, to display a student /employee card while in the library. Library reserved the right to refuse a service for those who fail to do so.

  • Library patrons should be well-behaved and well-dressed complying with the university approved Dress Code while in the library.

  • While in the library users are PROHIBITED,

-  To disturb other user by making noise, talking, and discussing.

-  To use cell phone in the library. Mobile phone shall be set to ‘silent mode’. The library reserves the right to object and ask the user to leave the library should the user fail to conform.

-  To smokes, eats and drinks.

-  To deface, tear, damage, and/or steal library materials.

-  To move books and/or materials from any level or collection to another level or collection.

-  To remove, abuse, and vandalize library furniture.

-  To litters.


  • Library materials can only be carried out by way of loans or having permission from the Chief Librarian.

  • Users are not allowed to bring pets into the library.

  • Personal belonging such as books, stationery and notebooks which are left on the table for a long period of time will be collected by the library staff. Users can claim them from the Information Services Division.

  • Users are fully responsible for the borrowed materials. Making loans using someone else’s identification card is considered as an offence.

  • Official time for determining fines for a late returned penalty of library material, such as books, will be calculated according to the days/hours recorded in the computerized library management system. In the event of any damage to the system, the exact time will be determined by the information available on the return slip.

  • Bell or buzzer will be sounded 15 minutes before the library closes. Users are expected to leave the library at the time. All transactions at the counter and the use of facilities will be stopped.

  • Library staff has the right to request users to leave the library if they failed to obey the regulations or disrupting the peace of the library.

  • The library reserves the right to halt users from using the facilities and services of the library, should they disobeyed university and/or library rules.

  • For the benefit of all, the library reserves the right to amend and/or add any regulations from time to time without prior notice.

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