
Library Collections

Library materials are grouped in several collections based on characteristics that have been defined. Compilation of materials in the collection is based on the classification scheme of the Library of Congress (LC). For materials in medicine and health sciences, classification follows the scheme of National Library of Medicine Classification Sheme (NLM). Collections in the library specified in the system under the header ‘ Branch’ and ‘Location’.

Collection Codes

Collection Codes

Some collections are encrypted to facilitate the collection of search, detection and reconstruction materials on the shelves. This alphabetical code (lowercase) was recorded as early in the call number. Collection codes are:

a - Arabic Collection
av - Multimedia Collection
jur - Serials Collection
ktg - Terengganu Collection
law - Law Collection
r - Reference Colection
sem - Conference / Seminar Collection
t - Thesis Collection

Material Codes

Material Codes

In some types of codes are suffix (characters) on the call number. Suffix codes used are:

r - reference (Arabic Collection, Multimedia, Law and Archives)

d/(D) - the material can be borrowed (Law Collection)

a/(A) - acts and legislation (Law Collection)

b/(B) - law reports (Law Collection)

Digital Collections

Digital Collections

Library subscribes to electronic resources in various fields. Available in the form of full text / abstracts of articles from journals and other publications. Accessible from and within UniSZA via the Library portal at or via LibProxy when users are outside UniSZA campus.

  1. Online Databases
  2. Electronic Journals
  3. Electronic Books
  4. WebInfoline (Exam Paper)
  5. Digital Repository (Greenstone)

Gong Badak Campus Library Collections

Gong Badak Campus Library Collections

Arabic Collection
All material in Arabic is placed in this collection. This collection is located on the second floor. The materials in this collection consists of two groups of substances, which can be borrowed and for reference only. Please refer to the system to know whether the material can be borrowed or otherwise.
General Collection
This collection is the largest collection of the Library. This collection comprises of monograph texts and additional reading covering all the disciplines of the University’s academic. All materials in this collection can be borrowed. The collection location is on the first floor of the library according to subject.
Reference Collection
Reference Collection materials are referred in the library only. Consists of dictionaries and encyclopedias, directories, atlases, terminologies, glossaries, manuals, statistical reports, handbooks, almanacs, annual reports of non-profit organizations and materials costs RM1,000 or more. The collection location is on the first floor of the library according to subject.
Multimedia Collection
All media collections owned by the library. These collections include CD-ROMs, Diskettes, video tapes, slides, films, film strips, film loops, sound recordings, charts, language cards, microfilms, microfiches, kits containing various medias, transparencies, etc. Audio visual materials are to be used within the Library only. This collection is located on the second floor.
Law Collection
The Law collections location is on the first floor of the library according to subject (K class).
Serials Collection
There are three (3) different categories of serials:
a. Current Issues
Consists of the most current issues received by the Library.
- The materials are displayed at the Current Journals Display Area at Level 2.
- Current issues are to be used within the Library only.
b. Unbound Issues
Consists of back issues of unbound journals.- Location: This collection is kept in the Serials Room, Level 2.- Collection of back issues is to be used within the Library only.
c. Bound Issues
- Consists of back issues of bound journals.
- Location: This collection is kept in the Serials Room, Level 2.
- Collection of back issues is to be used within the Library only.
Red Spot Books
Text books and all main reference for all courses as contained in the syllabus of the course placed in the Red Spot Collections. Loans are only allowed for one (1) day only.
Archive Collections
The following materials are placed in the Archive collections:
  1. Terengganu’s Collection
  2. Thesis / Project Papers
  3. Seminar / Conference Papers
  4. Gift and Exchanges Collection


Kota Campus Library Collections

Kota Campus Library Collections

Open Shelf

All materials that can be borrowed is placed in this collection. Open shelf collection can be loaned according to Library Membership.


Reference materials are to be used within the Library only.


Besides books and journals, the library also holds a range of non-print materials in the form of :

a) Audio and Video cassettes

b) Microfilms

c) Microfiche,

d) CDs

e) Slides,

f) Transparencies

g) Kits.


All journals and magazines are shelved behind the Circulation Counter.

Besut Campus Library Collections


Besut Campus Library Collections

Open Shelf

All materials that can be borrowed is placed in this collection. Open shelf collection can be loaned according to Library Membership.


Reference materials are to be used within the Library only.


Besides books and journals, the library also holds a range of non-print materials in the form of :

a) Audio and Video cassettes

b) Microfilms

c) Microfiche,

d) CDs

e) Slides,

f) Transparencies

g) Kits.


All journals and magazines are shelved behind the Circulation Counter.


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